Saturday, February 28, 2009

next weds cross country...dang.....its a stupid event where people like me dont bother to run...seriously wake up at 8 just to run....wahahah not me baby..not me. u wanna find me i'll be camping at d milo truck.hahaha...

anyways got into d main ensem...hurray...fulfilled part 1 of my new year resolution join syf....but im not really happy...cause d moment i joined d seniors.....i gt fucked up streesed out lah..every1 was chioging practice n all....i was a noob..entering wit only fuck violin experience....( conductor really2 weird...i ting im in for hell)...anyways yeah....i have to learn d piece in like 2 months.....i only learnt 4 parts of like 12 parts...wish me luck people.....dang.

BUT BRIGHTSIDE>.....guess hus sitting beside me....( hint hint: guitar president wahahhaha)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

missed me talks to wall..EXPECTS IT TO REPLY!!) anyways 3 hiatus from e com n home.....!!! GUITAR CAMP!!!

one word 4 d camp...A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!! really......i noe its guitar camp...n teres more practice than fun.....but d practices are like not bad lah...sit qing tian.while d others so enthu practice d piece again..haha...LEster was like...dronning us wit instrutions...ting his emo...but in d end his not bad lah...

ok so 1st day....mainly practice...cause we like started d camp staright away after school like 430??....

2nd day....morning gt pt...n OMG!!!! i suddenly realized teres such ting called thigh stretch!!!n thigh got crammed in d process....see d
then more practices.....then came d games
game 1....teres tis fusball board soccer....only we can only move left n team thrashed d other team 5-0...tats cause our strikers are like 5 against 3
ok then a few more smaller games.......since we finished half an hr early....d seniors let us play captains ball....yeah....alls happy with thrashing d other team..but it all changed when d ball went out of play...tom took away d ball...n took out a RAW CHICKEN...then he said...PLAY!!!...wahh funny man...every2 didnt care how disgusting it was....evend gals....n YES...CHICEKENS DO FLY@!!!! hahahah.after 10 mins...d chicken got split....n soon it splattered fats n skin all over d place....after our game ended...d chicken looked like crap cake.....haahhahahahah

then2...if holding chicken wasnt fun enough....d war game was like fun lah.... everyone had to wear newspapers around their necks...(represents our life)...we had to go d other teams base..n steal marshmallows hidden in a pile of d same time we throw waterbombs at our opponents....we stole grp 1's marshmallows b4 it even started....hhahah.....n d god part is,....i didnt get blasted with water..hahahahhahahHAHAHAHAHAHA... n hsienjuen was like crazyt lah...she chiong to enemy base...mud of no mud she stole alot of marshmallows...obviously after no marshmellows were left...she became target practice for everyone wit bombs.......d whole ting ended wit everyone;s faces filled with flour....shirts wet....n mouth nose....FILLED WITH FLOUR!!!!

after dinner...teres tis movie thingy..we watched d get to see d naked drummer..ahahaha...n some senior sponsored rite...okk then at 11 we played murder mystery

its like cluedo...onyl with real life actors..being d seniors...genevieve was acting all so cute n chiowee..(actually she no need act). when we interogatted her......we had to search 4 clues....n move on to d stations......after like 2 hrs...we came back with some funny crap which d butler was responsible....which in d end it was....after tat....ko-ed in d room

3rd day....we performed wat we practised for 3 days in frnt of everyone.....yes i noe its like 16 bars only..but sounded nice lah......j2s performed their syf piece next...then we acted out our skits.....n seniors n juniors casing their talent...(i like keith..i ting he is pro) 2...everyting ended...we got pick neclaces as a souvenir....hah....i got d orange one

OMG i ting i 4got to mention tis....on d 1st nite n alvin chionged d deserted guys toilet..only to find it being guarded by of them called cheryl told us to wait awhile (notice how my frens have SOOOO FAMILIAR NAMES!!!hahah)...u noe y...CAUSE THERES GALS BATHING IN D GUYS TOILET!!!!!! WTFUCK!!!!!.....actually i don mind lah but wat tey did had repercussions.....d next day...during shower...d toilet practically flooded 3 inches...u noe y..cause alot of long hairs...clogged d drains...EEEE AIEEEEEE.......crap2.....hahhaah...but like i said i really don mind...d guys bathroom smelled like flowers 4 once...:)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

i promised to be a mugger tis week....but...coming back to school late has left me tired n not doing any work...i plan to do gp essay todae...but i decided to procrastinate n leave it 4 tmr ( i swear tmr i shall start on it!! really) so anyways gonna recopy my phy tutorial nicey into a piece of fullscap paper...n im gonna read up on econs..

seriously....econs teacher really teaches like a hybrid of mdm siti n mdm tay....when she teaches..nting enters into everybodies heads..urghh.....

went back fuhua todae......YAY me....only see miss tan.....d rest either went home or was away...but it was great to be back..flaunting sa uniform all over d school...met caiyi deanna yumiko zai wei remy Jing wei .....nice to see them all again,, going school again i tell u\

Saturday, February 14, 2009

updating tis blog has become a weekly ting...i ting im gonna have time updating once every week....really no time lah...(gosh people actually visit my blog)....
okay 1st weeks of lesson...heres how i rate d lectured so far ( from best to boring) maths,gp (cause of d vid), phy, chem, econs, PW ( haven started but already becoming a bore)
ohh btw too al u people calling me a mugger...stop...its just tat i have a lot of free library time so i killed time doing d not entu like some people are not a rugby just a guitar well im quite happy in this cca i guess...i mean wats there not to d new frens...GO JAPAN!!.. ohh did i mention...teres tis one senior who is FUCKING HOT....n shes d president awed was hsien god...stunning...

ok anyways...i really2 miss my frens...from 4e1 n 2c actually everyone lah....i miss pe wit them..i missed joking wit tem..i miss door questing joel or any1 else... i miss d dbl from cheryl, puts from cara....even d teachers rants...OMG im acting like a lover who lose his lover....

guys if u r reading tis...ORGANISE SOMETING LAH!!!! i swear i will go...even if it means skipping school ( hmmm we'll see)....... are d 5 tings i wanna accomplish by this term
1. pass all my msa
2. visit fhss at least once
3. become a pro in guitar n play in syf
4. less procrastination
5. kiss a girl ( yahyah i only gt 4 tings....hey2 wats number 5

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

sorie guys for d 5 day slumber....been bz wit starting new life in sa...5 days orientation..its in its 2nd day going to its 3rd day

k 1st day...everyone was a sleepy blur lost sheep..i got into og grp 13....d moment i went ter..i saw d people ....n all of e sudden reality struck d look at their school lah...scgs NAN HUA...anglican high chij fairfield catholic high sji...wahhhhh....i feel so intimidated lah.... wasnt all bad....everyone was super friendly....made alot of new friends....familiar karen JOEL..(ps joel is everyting joel lee is...n he has my bdae
k so my grp a number of not bad looking gals..( imagine d whole many hot gals..) erm look out for fairfield n crescent gals....WOOTS!!!
erm 1st day was more talks than games....icebreakers were not breakable...(obviously wit me in it lol) but everyone got along yeah im lucky to noe alot of nice frens on 1st day

2nd day......water games...obviously everyone got wet...but seriously who cares....oh yeah...we learned d college song....n d college hymn ( erm obviously me atiqah feel uncomfortable singing d hymn)...more cheers...AGYrus rocks people....if u have a prob wit tat... BALLS TO YOU WAHAHAHAHAHA

yeah i noe....this blog doesnt do justice to d 2 days of orientation....seriously its more to it than d blah i anyways....subject combi.....still no idea although psme sounds d rite choice ....but i suddenly interested in

ps: gonna miss yah michelle...d whole og13 will......walao eh u go appeal go ac.....balls to u man hahaha